Saturday, February 19, 2011

To Gap, or not to Gap….

What happened between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2?

I believe God brought judgment on the earth as a result of the fall of Lucifer (aka Satan/the Devil) and his angels.  By the time we see Lucifer in scripture in Genesis 3, he is already the Adversary, a villain and enemy of God!  But he was not created that way....

Ezekiel 28:15
Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.

It is quite evident that Lucifer was perfect for a time and then at some point he fell. It is during this time period (between Lucifer's 'perfect' ministry of serving God and his fall) that God's subsequent judgment on Satan and his angels that took place—during the "gap" of time between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2. [As a side note: the name Satan means “adversary.”]

So in conclusion, I believe that the original creation of heaven and earth is old, and that God and all the angelic creation lived in harmony for a time, but then there was a rebellion, at which point God then brought judgment of water and darkness against that rebellion.

I then believe that when it was time for God to replenish things by creating mankind, he began to move and bring into existence things that mankind would need to serve him in the earth [read Genesis 1:3-31].

Genesis 2:1
Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.
This is where we see the six days of the replenishing that God re-created or made to prepare the earth for mankind, and they are six literal 24 hour days. I also believe that although the earth is old, mankind is only around six thousand years old.

Lastly, whatever one believes about these things, whether there is a gap or not, these are doubtful disputations and are secondary to the things that God wants us to believe for today, found in the 13 letters of his Apostle to us living today, Paul!

We have people at our local assembly who believe that gap theory like me, based upon the scriptures I just mentioned, and others who don't. Yet we still have sweet fellowship in the weightier truths of the Pauline grace message.

I am convinced of it through my own study of the verses throughout the years—particularly the when of Lucifer's fall. But I give others the grace to make up their own minds over time as they study this out through scriptures over time!

Hopefully this helps!

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